Cycle-Aid is probably the oldest established independent Cyclists’ helpline, dating from 1988 when Paul Darlington and Simon Holt (sadly deceased) began advertising their specialist personal injury services to the cycling community.

Paul has been a cyclist since his 7th birthday and spent the following decade on two wheels, restoring a classic Paris during his teens and jointly founding his school’s cycling club.
Qualifying as a Solicitor in 1984 he quickly tired of the solicitors’ traditional work before having an eureka moment when the idea of combining profession and hobby occurred.
Paul worked under the Cycle-Aid brand until 2010 when he launched Cycle-SOS, which continues today as the Cycling UK members’ Legal Helpline.
From 2000 to 2024 Paul has held continuous membership of the Law Society’s Personal Injury Panel, affiliation to the Institute of Traffic Accident Investigators and membership of Headway. The injury department of Turner Pearson, his former firm, was granted Law Society Accident Line enhanced status placing the team in the top 20% of law firms by holding that prestigious accreditation.

Paul’s professional specialisms are complemented by membership of Cycling UK, British Cycling, his accreditation as a Cycling Instructor to the 2006 National Standard (Bikeability) and full motorcycle and MSA competition licences. He regularly rides time trials and has experience in a Velodrome environment. Blackpool to Hornsea C2C was accomplished on a long June day in about 10 hours’ cycling.
He has attended Bike Inn and Cytech bicycle technical training courses, maintaining his own and his family’s machines.
Until 2024 Paul worked as a Consultant to Cycle-SOS, The Cyclists’ National Helpline.
He may be contacted on 07831 804199 or